Caroline Munro-EN

Caroline Munro was born in Windsor, England. At the age of 17, she worked as a model for Vogue Magazine. She could be seen in such films as “CASINO ROYALE” (1967) and “EL LADRÓN REBELDE” (1969). She played the role of Richard Widmark’s daughter in the western “TALENTO POR AMOR” (1969). Her most relevant roles was in “EL VIAJE FANTÁSTICO DE SIMBAD” (1973), “EN EL CORAZÓN DE LA TIERRA (1976) and “LA ESPÍA QUE ME AMÓ” (1977).

In the 70’s and 80’s, she had a role in “STAR CRASH, CHOQUE DE GALAXIAS” (1978), “MANIAC” (1980) and “EL DÍA DE LOS INOCENTES” (1986).

Few years later, she continued to perform in “UN DRAG EN EL CIELO” (1994), “DOMESTIC STRANGERS” (1996), “FLESH FOR THE BEAST” (2003), “VAMPYRES” (2015), “CUTE LITTLE BUGGERS” (2017) and “HOUSE OF THE GORGON” (2019).

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